Tuff Stuff High-Build Epoxy Primer by Sea Hawk Paints
- $75.88
- Availability:In Stock
- Brand: Sea Hawk Paints
- Product Code: SH-1284/1285
Click Here for Tuff Stuff Technical Data Sheet
Click Here for Tuff Stuff Safety Data Sheet
Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff Colors: Light Gray-1284, White-1285
Finish/Sheen: Matte
Volume Solids: 52% +- 2%
Available Sizes: 1/2 Gallon Kit (2 quarts), 2 Gallon Kit (2 gallons)
Shipping Weight: 25 Lbs./2 Gallon Kit
Mix Ratio: 1:1 Side A, Side C
Induction Time: Mix equal part of Side a and Side C and allow 20-30 minutes before application.
Flash Point: 80° F
VOC: 444 Grams/Liter
Typical Film Thickness: 6-7.5 mils dry film thickness (DFT) per coat, (11.5-14.5 mils wet film thickness (WFT))
Recommended Coats: 2-4 depending on intended service
Theoretical Coverage: 140 Sq.Ft./Gal. @ 6.0 mils DFT
Application Controls
Method: This product may be applied by airless and conventional spray, solvent resistant rollers and brushes.
Dry Times and Overcoating Intervals in Hours:
Substrate Temp. | Touch | Min | Max Recoat | Maximum Overcoat |
73°F (23°C) | 2 hr | 3 hr | 6 days | 24 hrs |
When overcoating Tuff Stuff Epoxy Primer it is important to meet the required over coating times in order to achieve the best adhesion because temperature and humidity control dry times. An easy rule in epoxies is when the coating is dry to the touch, yet still has some tack, it is ready to be over coated. (Thumb print without lifting any epoxy.) However, if the coating is completely cured (or after 24 hours) it needs to be thoroughly sanded with 80 grit sand paper to remove shine, or you must apply another coat of Tuff Stuff within 6 days, no longer. Then you have an additional 24 hour maximum to overcoat with antifouling paint.
Application Data
Mixing: Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff is a high viscosity epoxy primer and contains a moderate to high concentration of pigments and may have settled in transit, Each component must be thoroughly mixed with power mixer/shaker until uniform before use. Mix equal parts (1:1) of Side A and Side C.
Thinning: If necessary, maximum 10% with Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff Reducer 2084
Clean Up: Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff Reducer 2084 or 2044
Pot Life: 3 hours
Brush/Rolling: Solvent Resistant Roller Cover 3/8"-3/16" pile (nap), smooth to medium. Prewash roller cover to remove loose fibers prior to use.
Airless Spray: Use a 30:1 ratio pump or greater, a 17- 27 thou fluid tip and apply with about 3000 psi pressure.
Conventional Spray: Please contact your Sea Hawk representative for more specific information.
Surface Preparation
Paint only clean, dry surfaces. Remove all grease, oil, wax, or other foreign material by solvent or detergent washing. (SSPC-SPI)
Fiberglass: Soda Blast, Sand with 60-80 grit sandpaper, or equivalent. Once desired profile is achieved, wipe down with rags saturated with Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff Reducer 2084 to remove all the sanding dust. This procedure should be followed by at least 2-3 coats of Tuff Stuff for general purpose applications or use at least three coats for osmotic blistering prevention. For repair of osmotic gelcoat blistering please contact your local Sea Hawk representative for procedures and paint system specification.
Steel Vessels: Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff Epoxy Primer is normally used as part of paint systems for both above and below the waterline on hull systems on bare metal surfaces. Tuff Stuff Epoxy must be applied over properly cleaned metal or fiberglass surfaces, free of all surface contamination. Some areas may need to be cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP-1 Solvent Cleaning to ensure all oils, grease and other contaminants are removed. Please refer to additional data below. See Technical Bulletin STL45
Additional Data For Painting Metal Hulls: Prior to application to any metal surface, we recommend the area first be grit blasted to SSPC-SP-10 ‘near white metal to a blast profile of no less than 1.5 mil, then cleaned free of dust and blast media and painted in accordance with the paint system specifications. Follow the paint system specifications for dry film thickness and over coating times. If the system requires more than two coat of Tuff Stuff Epoxy, make sure the second coat is applied within the over coating times listed above. Additionally, regardless of the topcoat to be applied over the Tuff Stuff Epoxy make sure the over coating windows are followed. See Technical Bulletin AL1284
Recommended Paint Systems for Metal Surfaces Not Blasted: In many cases, some boatyards or shipyards cannot blast the metal surface and must clean by power tool such as power grinders we strongly recommend the metal surface be primed with one or two coats of Sea Hawk Strontium Chromate Epoxy before the Tuff Stuff Epoxy High Build is applied. If this system is used make sure the grinding dust is removed by blown air, brooms, brushes or similar. Do not use rags with or without thinner should be used as this may leave fabric fibers on the cleaned surface which when over coated can produce moisture ‘wicking to the substrate and cause blistering or delamination problems.
Blasted Surfaces: For steel surfaces use angular grit for blasting. Do not use metal ‘shot' as this does not leave a proper surface for painting. For aluminum, do not use any metal blast media. There are specific blast media available like select minerals, sand or other non-metallic media provide an acceptable profile is provided.
Note: Blasted steel and aluminum must be painted as soon as possible after blasting to avoid any rust ‘bloom' or oxidation from high humidity. Should the surface ‘turn' before the first coat of Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff or Strontium Chromate Epoxy primers can be applied, we strongly recommend the surface be ‘grit swept' in accordance with SSPC-SP-7 Brush Off Blast to remove the ‘rust bloom' or aluminum oxide and then continue with the application of the paint system.
Tips for a Better Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff Epoxy Barrier Coat Application
Here are some great tips to aid you in performing the best application of Tuff Stuff High Build Epoxy Primer. Please also consult the Tuff Stuff Technical Data Sheet for more detailed information.
1. Remove ALL bottom paint residue completely
2. Prep hull to an 80 grit profile
3. Wipe hull clean with Sea Hawk S80 or s-90
4. Tape hull off 3 to 4 times
5. Use a quality 3/8" nap roller cover
6. Shake both part A and B on a mechanical shaker before mixing 1:1
7. Stir occasionally during the 20-30 minute induction time
8. Start at the lowest point of the hull and work your way up and forward.
9. Roll additional coats perpendicular to previous coats. This eliminates lap marks.
10. Have painters switch sides on each coat. You will wind up with an even film thickness and a consistent looking bottom.
11. Check WFT on the hull at even intervals and document.
12. Pull a layer of tape away after each coat.
13. Apply your last coat of epoxy and your first coat of bottom paint in the same day.
14. Leave a 4" swath around stands and blocking without paint.
15. Allow a minimum of 48 hours before moving blocking or stands.
16. Allow 72 hours total cure before launch.
Tuff Stuff is a high build, fast drying marine epoxy primer for use over steel, fiberglass, and properly prepared aluminum below the waterline. For use over blistered fiberglass as a repair coat, and over unblistered fiberglass as a barrier coat, Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff marine epoxy primer has a unique Sheet Silicate Technology that provides All-In-One osmosis protection.
- Applicator Friendly Window (24 HRS) Between Last Coat of Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff Marine Epoxy and bottom paint
- Only Need 2 Coats of Tuff Stuff Marine Epoxy Primer Compared to 3-5 with Interlux Interprotect 2000! That translates to less labor and hull-out time!
- 1:1 Easy Mixture means that you did not have to use the whole kit at once and can use it for smaller jobs! Just mix equal parts of the Tuff Stuff marine epoxy primer and you are ready to go, no matter how small or large the job is!
- Combine Tuff Stuff marine epoxy primer with cabasil (microballons) to a form a filler paste
Available Sizes: 1/2 Gallon Kit (2 quarts), 2 Gallon Kit (2 gallons)
Compare To: Interlux InterProtect 2000E
TIP: As a general rule, you will need at least two coats and use at least twice as much Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff marine epoxy primer to bottom paint.
*This Item Ships From Florida : Click to See Estimated Transit Times
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