Pettit Easypoxy, Gloss White, 3175, Quart
- $75.88
- Availability:In Stock
- Brand: Pettit Marine Paint
- Product Code: PET-3175/QT
VEHICLE TYPE: Oil modified polyurethane
FINISH: High-gloss
CURING MECHANISM: Air dry/oxidation
SOLIDS (theoretical):
By weight...62.0 +/- 7% - By volume...49.6 +/- 2%
COVERAGE: 600 sq. ft/gal.
VOC: 394 g/l for White (other colors will vary slightly)
FLASH POINT: 113°F for White (other colors will vary slightly)
*Pettit Easypoxy Colors may be limited.
METHOD: Brush, roller, or spray
NUMBER OF COATS: 2 minimum
DRY FILM THICKNESS PER COAT: 1.5 mils (3 wet mils)
APPLICATION TEMP: 50° F. Min. / 90°F. Max.
To Touch To Recoat
90°F 1-1/2 8
70°F 3 16
50°F 6 24
THINNER: 120 Brushing Thinner 121 Spraying Thinner
CLEANER: 120 Brushing Thinner
Stir thoroughly before use. Pettit Easypoxy may be applied by brush, roller, conventional or airless spray. For brush or roller application apply without thinning although in hot weather 5-10% Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner may be added to maintain a wet edge. For best results on large, smooth surfaces roll out using a short nap roller followed immediately by leveling off with the tip of a brush. For conventional spray application thin 15-20% with Pettit 121 Spraying Thinner. Apply one, thin even coat per day. After an overnight dry, lightly sand with 220 grit sandpaper and apply a second coat. Applying two or more coats in one day or applying excessively heavy films (greater than 4 wet mils) will lead to insufficient through drying of the paint and will yield soft paint films. For airless spray application thin up to 5% with Pettit 121 Spraying Thinner. Utilize a .011-.015 inch diameter tip for application. Do not apply Easypoxy on extremely humid days (90°+ RH) or when rain is threatening. Do not apply in the late afternoon when working outdoors as the wet film may be adversely affected by dew. When working in cooler temperatures be sure the air and surface temperatures will remain at or above 50°F for at least 8 hours after application.
Surface Preparation: Coating performance, in general, is proportional to the degree of surface preparation. Follow recommendations carefully, avoiding shortcuts. Inadequate preparation of surfaces will virtually assure inadequate coating performance. Surface must be free of dirt, loose paint, rust, oil, grease, wax, soap and any other foreign matter. Clean painted areas by washing with a solution of 2 cups household ammonia per gallon of water and rinse well. Remove existing mildew with household bleach instead of ammonia.
Bare Wood: Sand surface smooth with 80-120 grit sandpaper, then solvent clean with Pettit 120 Thinner to remove residue. Fill all screw heads or small holes with 7050 EZ-Fair Epoxy Fairing Compound; sand flush and solvent clean with Pettit 120 Thinner. Apply a coat of 2018 EZ WoodSealer to penetrate and seal the porous grain. Follow with one or two coats of 6149 EZ Prime until an evenly smooth base condition is reached; sand each coat with 80-120 grit sandpaper and solvent clean with Pettit 120 Thinner. Proceed with the first finish coat of Pettit Easypoxy.
Bare wood that has been epoxied must be thoroughly scrubbed with an ammonia/water solution then sanded with 120 grit sandpaper and solvent cleaned with Pettit 120 Thinner. Follow with a coat of 6149 EZ Prime to smooth the surface and provide a uniform base. Sand well and solvent clean with Pettit 120 Thinner, then proceed with the first coat of Pettit Easypoxy.
Bare Steel: Surface must be cleaned to a bright finish by sandblasting or grinding; remove blast residue. Immediately apply one coat of 6980 Rustlok Primer; allow to dry until tacky. If surface is rough, apply a coat of 6627 Tie-Coat Primer; sand well and solvent clean with Pettit 120 Thinner. Repeat application as needed until a smooth, uniform base is reached. Proceed with the first coat of Easypoxy.
Bare Aluminum: Wipe the surface free of oil and grease with Pettit 120 Thinner. Remove oxidation and etch the surface with medium grit emery cloth; remove sanding residue. Apply one thin “wet” coat of 6455/044 Metal Primer; allow to dry at least two hours. Proceed with the first coat of Easypoxy. 6149 EZ Prime can be used over the 6455/044 Metal Primer for smoothing surfaces if desired.
Bare Fiberglass: The entire surface to be painted regardless of age must be thoroughly washed with 120 thinner or 92 Bio-Blue to remove all traces of mold release agents and wax. Sand the gel coat with 80 to 120 grit sandpaper to a dull, frosty appearance, solvent clean with Pettit 120 Thinner to remove residue. If the surface is in excellent condition, proceed with the first finish coat of Easypoxy.
If the surface is rough or imperfections exist, it will have to be repaired. Fill all nicks and gouges with 7050 EZ-Fair Epoxy Fairing Compound; sand flush when hard, then solvent clean. Follow with a coat of 6149 EZ Prime to smooth the surface and provide a uniform base; sand well and solvent clean. Proceed with the first finish coat of Easypoxy Pettit Paint.
Painted Surfaces: Clean painted areas by washing with a solution of two cups household ammonia per gallon of water and rinse well. Remove existing mildew with household bleach instead of ammonia. Never mix bleach and ammonia. If the old paint is an oil-based enamel or polyurethane, and is in good, sound condition, sand it thoroughly smooth with 150 grit sandpaper, solvent clean to remove residue with Pettit 120 Thinner, then proceed with the first coat of Easypoxy Pettit Topside Paint. If the old oil-base or polyurethane paint contained a non-skid material, scrub the non-skid service with Pettit 92 Bio-Blue Hull Surface Prep using a stiff bristle brush. Thoroughly rinse the surface and allow to dry, then apply two coats of Easypoxy. If the old paint is a latex or water-based paint, or is in poor condition, remove it with a paint and varnish remover or by sanding. Proceed with instructions for the appropriate bare surface system.
Non-Skid Decks: To provide a safe, slip-proof texture on decks, add Pettit 9900 Skidless Compound to the mixed Easypoxy. Stir mixture continuously to insure compound is thoroughly dispersed and remains in suspension. A minimum of two coats are recommended, following the appropriate application system. Alternatively, apply a coat of Pettit Easypoxy (without 9900 Skidless Compound) to all areas requiring a non-skid surface, then sprinkle or broadcast the 9900 Skidless Compound into the wet Easypoxy. After drying overnight carefully brush-out all loose Skidless Compound and apply another thin, even coat of Easypoxy to the surface. For decks which have a pre-molded, non-skid embossment, scrub the non-skid surface with Pettit 92 Bio-Blue Hull Surface Prep using a stiff bristle brush or wash the surface with 95 Fiberglass Dewaxer. Abrade area thoroughly with bronze wool then solvent clean with Pettit 120 Thinner to remove residue. Apply two coats of Easypoxy adding 9900 Skidless Compound to the mixture if an improved non-skid texture is desired.
- Simplified One Part Application Process
- Tough and resilient Polyurethane finish
- Innovative ultraviolet fibers enhance durability
- Retains gloss more efficiently than competing paints
Associated Products:
Primer: EZ Prime - 6149
Use Petitt 120 Thinner for brushing, rolling and clean-up. Use Pettit 121 Thinner for spraying Easypoxy.
*This Item Ships From South Florida – Click to See Estimated Transit Times
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