Click Here for Sea Hawk Paints Barnacle Blocker Technical Data Sheet
Click Here for Sea Hawk Paints Barnacle Blocker Safety Data Sheet
Size: 12 Ounce (454 g) Aerosol Spray Can
Color: Metallic Gray
Finish/Sheen: N/A
Shipping Weight: 1 Lb. (0.45 kg)
Flash Point: -2°F (-19°C)
VOC: 527 Grams/Liter
SURFACE APPLICATION: To prepare the surface for coating, remove all loose coatings and fouling residue by either washing with high-pressure water, sanding (80-120 grit), sandblasting, or by using Sea Hawk Marine Paint Stripper. Wipe clean with Sea Hawk 2033 and allow to dry. (Be sure to use the proper protective equipment to prevent inhalation or ingestion of the paint dust generated.)
APPLICATION: Shake can vigorously for at least 1 minute after mixing ball begins to rattle. Shake can often during use. Hold can 10-14 inches from surface and spray in short even passes to control film thickness and avoid runs applying in thin coats. Allow no more than 5 minutes between 2-3 thin coats. Otherwise, follow the recoat dry times below. When finished spraying, invert the can and spray until the nozzle is clear to prevent future clogging of the spray nozzle.
COVERAGE and NUMBER of COATS: One can cover approximately 12 square feet (1.11 m2). For application to hulls, apply 2-3 coats and allow proper dry times. May be over coated with Smart Solution or Mission Bay antifoulants for improved protection.
Temperature | Recoat | To Launch |
50°F (10°C) | 2 Hours | 48 Hours |
75°F (24°C) | 1 Hour | 24 Hours |
90°F (32°C) | 30 Minutes | 16 Hours |
CLEANUP: Use Sea Hawk 2033
PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS: Be sure to wear protective gloves and goggles when handling Barnacle Blocker. May cause eye irritation and harmful if absorbed through the skin. Consult your Sea Hawk Representative for more information. Contains: Acetones 67-64-1, Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated light 64742-49-0, Propane 74-98-6, Butane 106-97-8, Mineral Spirit 64742- 47-8, Xylene (mix) 1330-20-7,. OTHER INGREDIENTS: “Contents Partially Unknown”. VAPOR HARMFUL. MAY AFFECT THE BRAIN OR NERVOUS SYSTEM CAUSING DIZZINESS, HEADACHE, OR NAUSEA. CAUSES EYE, SKIN, NOSE, AND THROAT IRRITATION. DO NOT PUNCTURE OR INCINERATE (BURN) CONTAINER. EXPOSURE TO HEAT OR PRO-LONGED EXPOSURE TO THE SUN MAY CAUSE BURSTING. DO NOT EXPOSE TO HEAT OR STORE AT TEMPERATURE ABOVE 120°F.
SAFETY: Prior to use, obtain, and consult the “Safety Data Sheet” of this product for health and safety information. Read and observe all precautionary notices on container labels.
Barnacle Blocker is a zinc-free aerosol spray formulated for use on underwater metals including steel, cast iron, copper, bronze, galvanized steel, lead, and aluminum. Barnacle Blocker is a self-cleaning anti-corrosive primer that provides an excellent barrier on underwater metal surfaces, reducing galvanic corrosion.
• Zinc-free
• Fast drying
• Superior galvanic corrosion protection
*This Item Ships From Florida ; Click to See Estimated Transit Times
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