
Awlgrip is a popular choice for boat owners looking to protect and beautify their vessels. However, achieving a flawless finish with Awlgrip requires attention to detail and the right techniques. In this guide, we’ll cover the essential steps and tips for applying to ensure professional results.


To begin, preparation is key. Start by cleaning the surface thoroughly to remove any dirt, grease, or contaminants. Use a suitable cleaner for this purpose. Once the surface is clean, sand it using sandpaper to create a rough surface. This rough surface will promote better adhesion of the paint. Start with a coarse grit sandpaper and finish with a fine grit for a smooth.

After preparing the surface, the next step is priming. It’s crucial to choose the right primer for your project. Select a primer that is compatible with the substrate and topcoat requirements. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing and application of the primer. Using a spray gun for this step will yield the best results.

Once the surface is primed, you can begin applying the Awlgrip paint. Start by thoroughly mixing the paint and activator according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use a high-quality spray gun and adjust the air pressure for optimal atomization. Apply the paint in thin, even coats, overlapping each pass slightly. Allow each coat to flash off according to recommended recoat times to avoid runs and sags.

After applying the paint, there are some finishing touches to consider. Lightly sanding between coats with a fine-grit sandpaper will promote adhesion between layers. Finally, apply the final coat of Awlgrip and allow it to cure fully according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

To ensure success with your Awlgrip application, follow these additional tips: pay attention to temperature and humidity conditions, ensure proper ventilation during application, wear appropriate protective gear, and clean up equipment and spills promptly with recommended solvents.

If you have any questions about choosing the right Awlgrip paint for your needs feel free to reach out to our technical support team. You can reach them via Live Chat or by calling 800.505.2313 Monday through Friday 9am-5pm EST.