Monterey Bottom Paint Rated for 24+ Months over Aquagard Bottom Paint!
Longer Lasting Performance than Aquagard! Monterey is a Multi-Season Bottom Paint!
- Made in the USA with USA Premium Grade Raw Materials
- Lower VOC Means More Friendly Application!
- More Copper (Monterey has over TWICE AS MUCH COPPER as Aquagard (55% Vs. 26% for Aquaguard)
- Proven Premium Performance in All Waters!
- Compatible with Aquaguard (You can apply Monterey over the top of Aquagard without any additional steps!)
- Rated by Practical Sailor for 24+ Month Bottom Paint Protection
- Sea Hawk Paints Monterey Has a One-Year Written Guarantee Against Barnacles!
Apply Directly over Aquaguard or any other Bottom Paint and Receive…
1 Year Written Guarantee Against Barnacle Growth!
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