Awlgrip Sprayable Fairing Compound Converter for D3011
- $67.88
- Availability:In Stock
- Brand: Awlgrip
- Product Code: AWL-D3011/1GL
AWLGRIP EPOXY SPRAYABLE FAIRING COMPOUND CONVERTER – PART “B” ONLY A two-component epoxy filler with excellent sag resistance, excellent film build capability, and is easy to sand. Generally used after Awl-Fair L.W. on large fairing surfaces as an insulator / surfacer before High Build Primer or Ultra Build Primer. Do not use in spot repair systems. Not to be used below the waterline. Product is sold by the gallon.
Spray: Mix 1 part D6001 with 1 part D3011. When a smooth homogenous mixture is obtained, reduce 5-25% with T0006. Overall mix is 1:1:1/10 by volume. Example: 8 oz. D6001 : 8 oz. D3011 : 1.6 oz. T0006
Induction Time after Mixing: 15 minutes
Anticipated Pot Life at 77°F/50% R.H.: 16 hours
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